Saturday, October 29, 2011

Daily Sketch for today thought I'd share, Job is a personal character of mine loosely based on Job from the bible. Didn't do much today, I was going to sit around and just play video games today but a buddy of mine was having a bad day so we decided to go on one last motorcycle ride for the year. It was a bit cold but well worth it, my legs haven't completely thawed out yet but their getting there. I'm hopping to day a daily sketch and post it every day for the rest of the year and maybe going forward, figure it might keep me loose.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Family Trip!

So me and the family took a trip to NE over the kid's MEA Week, so I took the opportunity to shoot some pictures that I'd more than likely never get to take again. These are some that I messed around with in Photoshop, I've got a few more that I'm working on but I'll post those later. All and All it was a good trip but it made me want to buy a Winabago!!!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

New horse head logos

You know how every high school has the same mascots and every one of them use the same clip art design in there spirit wear!?! Well I'd like to change that, so here's a look at some new horse, colt, mustang, etc. head logos.

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Don't Call it a Comeback!

Well I just deleted all the old post on here and am planning a comeback. It's time to start doing something and stop wasting away my gifts and time! My wife calls me a moody artist...well consider this a positive mood swing. I'm going to use this blog to get things out. Art, Photography or even just whats on my mind.
