Thursday, April 19, 2012

Warm Up Video

Video of last nights warm up. Not a final design or anything, Just a warm up.

Wednesday, December 07, 2011


Stuff I've been working on outside of work and freelance, keeping me busy so I'm still failing to post everyday, I'm hopping that one day I'll be able to do this everyday. Keep checking back I'm sure some day I'll make something you like.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thilleboy hoodies!

Well I've only been waiting on these for over 2weeks now but I'm sure they'll be worth tbe wait!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

So over a week since my last post, I'm trying so hard to do daily updates but I'm slacking.
Here we have two things that I've done, the top one is another logo I've done for me as a side company, the other is kind of a little step by step I tossed together for a school here in MN, other than a few edits it was a winner.

Again I need to get on here daily, so here's looking to tomorrow.


Monday, November 07, 2011

Shirt design & something for the Misses

So I'm finally making a shirt for myself, I've been designing shirts for others for years now and I've never done one for myself so heres a look at that design and a quick logo for the wife. She likes being called Mrs. Thill so that's just for her! Gotta get back to posting sketches soon so keep an eye out.

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

10.30.2011 Daily Sketch

Todays Daily... Not to much to say, Simon is another one of my own characters. Tonight was halloween so of course my youngest is sleeping in my spot on the bed, no more neighborhood haunted houses for her!!! Got some good news on the freelance side of life, bad news is it's only a t-shirt design but I do that all day long so it'll be easy money, hey one small step to the dream of owning my own house again...Who says the American Dream is Dead!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Daily Sketch for today thought I'd share, Job is a personal character of mine loosely based on Job from the bible. Didn't do much today, I was going to sit around and just play video games today but a buddy of mine was having a bad day so we decided to go on one last motorcycle ride for the year. It was a bit cold but well worth it, my legs haven't completely thawed out yet but their getting there. I'm hopping to day a daily sketch and post it every day for the rest of the year and maybe going forward, figure it might keep me loose.